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Volkmann Test > Dies Und Das > Unterseite 4

Unterseite 4

Is your page ready to go live? Let's publish it! In Typemill, a page can have three different statuses:

  • Unpublished (red): The page is not published and not visible in the frontend yet.
  • Published (green): The page is published and visible in the frontend.
  • Modified (orange): The page is published and has changes that have not been published yet.

You can view and manage the status of the page in the sticky publish bar at the bottom. There, you can:

  • Publish a page or publish modifications.
  • Discard modifications and revert content to the published version.
  • Unpublish a published page.
  • Delete a page.

You can also see the status of all pages in the content navigation on the left side, indicated by the colors red, orange, and green.